RubyConf 2014

Day 1

Matz’s Keynote

Guilds in Ruby 2.4 allow true concurrency; objects can only belong to one Guild at a time

Video games in Ruby


Library provides single class to inherit from; overload 3 methods:

  • initialize() - game then enters loop
  • update() - called each frame to update state
  • draw() - called each from to draw game

Create private functions to abstract out behaviors, while keeping the 3 necessary game functions.

class Game < Gosu::Window
  def initialize
    # game details here

  def update
    # change state here

  def draw
    # draw frame here

  def handle_action
    # encapsulate complicated logic here

Author demonstrated animation strategies using Gosu::load_tiles, collision detection using rectangular boxes, and refactoring code into standalone classes

class Enemy
  def initialize
    # ...

  def update
    # ...

  def draw
    # ...

And in the game class:

class Game < Gosu::Window
  # ...

  def update


  • - Images
  • PikoPixel - Pixel editor
  • Tiled Map Editor - build maps and export to JSON/XML

Ruby & Go (gorb - Ruby native extensions for Go)

Go language

Data and behavior are separated into structs and functions, respectively. Ruby combines these in classes.


Tool that takes Go code and generates the CRuby API wrapper code to get it loaded into the VM.


  1. Write Go structs and functions
  2. gorb creates CRuby wrapper files (.go)
  3. gorb loads Go to compile them into native extensions (.so)
  4. Require native extensions in Ruby code and use them as Ruby classes
package fib

type Fibonacci struct {

func (f *Fibonacci) Fib(n int) int {
  return f.fib(n)

func (f *Fibonacci) fib(n int) int {
  if n < 2 {
    return n
  return f.fib(n-1) + f.fib(n-2)

func IsPrime(n int) bool {
  return true
gorbgen test/fib/fib.go
# => test/fib/
require 'test/fib/'
# => 55


Does the C code in the VM dispatch to Go? If so, are there cases where we’d see penalties like loading the Go environment?

.so files include Go runtime environment

What might some implementations be in business-driven Ruby app development? Computationally intensive things like matrix operations?



A look at hooks

Hook: a method called implicitly by Ruby, never explicitly


class Foo
  def initialize
  # ...
end # never call #initialize directly
  • BasicObject#method_missing - called when method does not exist
  • Object#respond_to_missing - called with obj.respond_to?(:meth_name)
  • Module#const_missing - don’t use?
  • Module#included - called when module is included
  • Module#extended - called when module is extended
  • Module#prepended - called when module is prepended (added to start of method ancestry)
  • Class#inherited - called when class is subclassed/inherited from a class
  • Module#method_added, Module#method_removed - not used very often as we don’t dynamically add methods often
  • BasicObject#singleton_method_added, etc - called when you dynamically add methods to an object
  • Kernel#at_exit - calls when an exception is raised, possibly during normal exit as well?

Objects are implictly tried to be converted during binary operations. Implement things to #to_str to add a hook when the object is converted.

Coercion tells you how to coerce classes to avoid:

> 'foo' + 1
TypeError: no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String

Keyword Args



  • Behaves like hashes.
  • Tells the user what the arguments are going to be used for.
  • Position doesn’t matter when you omit certain ones.
  • Dependency injection is better


  • Non-keyword arguments must be before keyword arguments


# Bad'', 732, 'admin', 'monkey72')

# Better '', port: 732, username: 'admin', password: 'monkey72')

# Best
  server: '',
  port: 732,
  username: 'admin',
  password: 'monkey72'

Splat operator

You can use the splat operator (**) to explode hashes into keyword arguments. This lets the arguments be dynamic depending on a particular case.

@salary = calculate_salary(
  base: 20_000,
  per_mile: 10,

Logic Programming


Logic programming is a paradigm alongside object-oriented, imperative, and functional. Tell the computer how the world works and let it generate the solution.

Generally have 3 features: declarative, relational, and inferential.

Declarative aspect is easy in Ruby with method chaining. You declare what functions are going to be performing the work and expose a single interface. E.g. has_many – don’t care about the implementation, it “just does it”.

Relational aspect focuses on intersections of data. SQL is a great example of a relational tool (envision a Venn diagram)

18 + 42 = ?  # Easy
18 + ? = 42  # Doesn't work
sum_r(18, 24, ?) # match ? with 42
sum_r(18, ?, 42) # match ? with 24

Logic programming in Ruby

russell library creates a Logic::Solver class that allows you to assert certain constraints and then call solve.

It seems like this talk hid all of the magic of actually solving the problem in the library and focused more on the public interface of the library. “Look, you have to write very little code”, but it would be interested to see what is going on under the hood.

He created a Sudoku solver that looked like it was using a generic Logic::Solver class not tailored for Sudoku and, by passing in the right constraints, he could solve the Sudoku puzzle. It would be very impressive if he can use the same class extensibly to solve other problems assuming you set the correct constraints.a


Unification - pattern matching of how two things are related to each other. Example: concat_r([m, ?, t], [?]), [m, a, t, z]) #=> [m, a, t, z]

Substitution List - Transitive property where you can point variables at each other and they keep those references. If q == r and r == 8, then q == 8

You devise a strategy of attempting to unify through the substitution list and backtracking/branching when you violate a constraint.


  • The Art of Prolog, Leon Sterling & Ehud Shapiro
  • Russell by the speaker, Gavin McGimpsey

Computer Science: The Good Parts

Linked Lists

The very minimum amount of information you can have. You can only start with the first element, and each element contains the first data and a reference to the next element. In order to get the 5th element, you need to start at the first and walk the list to the 5th.

Binary Tree

Instead of having 1 connection between elements, you have 2. If you pre-sort the data as you go, you approach log^2(n) to find a sorted element.


Generic term for connected nodes with as many connections as you want. Implemented in maps, social networks, electrical grids, etc.

Big-O Notation

Describes complexity of an algorithm. Using a sorted list, for example, improves search time from O(n) to O(log(n)).

Nested loops are a code smell of a bad algorithm.

Day 2

Implementing Virtual Machines

Examples of virtual machines: .NET runtime, JVM, C.

Moving between the CPU, stack, heap, and buffers are orders of magnitude faster than network calls or disk writes.

Using a stack abstraction (Array in Ruby), we can push things onto the stack. Given a program:

vm =
  :push, 13,
  :push, 28,

We can define instructions on how to perform the actions. Pass through a compiler first to reject methods that are dangerous.

def load(program)
  @program = compile(program)

def compile(program)
  program.collect do |v|
  when v.is_a?(Method)
    # check if it's blacklisted
    # return method
  when methods.include?(v)
    # check if it's blacklisted
    # return method
    # return methjod

At this point she put a bunch of C code on the screen, talked about direct vs. indirect threading and said, “Now this is the part that makes my brain hurt.” I gave up trying to understand it all.


  • Programming Languages, An Interpreter-Based Approach - Samuel N. Kamin
  • Java Virtual Machine - Jon Meyer & Troy Downing
  • Threaded Interpretive Languages

Ruby 3 Concurrency

Concurrency exists in Ruby threads but threads are not executed in parallel.

Guilds: Proposal to add restriction for sharing mutable objects. Eliminates race conditions.

Multi-threading programming is difficult. Hard to debug/replicate, possible deadlocks, and hard to tune performance.

Data Race vs. Race Condition

def transfer1(amount, account_from, account_to)
  if (account_from.balance < amount) return NOPE
  account_to.balance += amount
  account_from.balance -= amount
  return YEP
  • Problem 1: Data Race: lines 3 and 4 do not happen in a single transaction
  • Problem 2: Race Condition: lines 2 and 3/4 can happen in the wrong order.

Highlights need to synchronize sharing mutable objects.

Comparison to other languages:

  • Shell/DRuby: Everything is copied to send; which is slow
  • Erlang/Elixir/FP: Prohibits mutable objects; big incompatibility
  • Place/Racket: Share only immutable objects; we want to share all objects
  • Clojure: allow sharing with special protocol; can’t accept a special protocol

Goals for Ruby 3:

  • Keep compatibility with Ruby 2
  • Parallel program
  • Don’t care about locks
  • Share objects with a fast copy
  • Share immutable objects
  • Special objects allow sharing mutable objects

Guild Proposal

  1. Multiple Guilds
  2. Each Guild has a Thread
  3. Each Thread has at least one Fiber

Threads in different guilds can run in parallel; threads in the same guild cannot run in parallel.

Mutable objects have a membership to a particular guild. Guilds cannot access mutable objects in other guilds.

Mutable objects

Guild::Channel is an intercommunication library. Provides 2 communication methods:

  1. #copy
    • Objects now exist in both guilds.
  2. #transfer_membership
    • Transferred objects are invalidated from original guild.
  obj = "foo"
  puts obj # Error

Immutable objects

Small objects can be sent as messages and copied. Large objects can be passed by reference.


Use guilds for pipelines, computational functions (like computing Fibonacci outside the main context of a program)


  • How to implement object membership: copy and transfer_membership
    • Global variables become guild variables
    • Constant and Method tables introduce mutual exclusions

C Extensions


There are many ways to hook into C extensions from MRI. The API really just exposes the Ruby internals. Often times, the C implementation supposes particular extensions which leaves JRuby, Rubinius, etc. unable to proceed.

Methods calls in C extensions are slower than in Ruby, because Ruby invisibly caches the method. C does not offer that.

C extensions cannot be optimized since they are already compiled.

FFI is simple but most people are already writing C extensions.


From the website:

The Truffle runtime of JRuby is an experimental implementation of an interpreter for JRuby using the Truffle AST interpreting framework and the Graal compiler. It’s an alternative to the IR interpreter and bytecode compiler. The goal is to be significantly faster, simpler and to have more functionality than other implementations of Ruby.

Oracle wrote a VM called Graal VM (JVM + Graal compiler) and framework Truffle on top of that.

Truffle compiles AST to a single module, turns that into a graph, apply optimizations, and turns that into machine code.

Author wrote a C interpreter that runs alongside the Ruby interpreter. C code is given to LLVM interpreter and turned into simplified C code, which is interpreted and optimized at the same time as Ruby. Truffle/Graal can take both Ruby and C files at this point and optimize them both the same way.

C extension -------> [ LLVM ] -------> file.ll ------- [ interpreter] \
                                                                       --------> [ optimizer ]
Ruby file   -------------------------> file.rb ------- [ interpreter] /


  • Need the source code; can’t use a closed-source C extension
  • FFI still has widespread support

The Little Server That Could

An engineering skill is knowing when to dive into an abstraction vs. when to accept constraints and just use it.

Servers communicate with outside world via OS and conform to a specific API.

The outside world

Server runs in a process that gives you scope to define variables and set state without affecting other programs.

  1. Open a socket
    • Everything on UNIX is a file. Sockets are no exception.
    • OS uses a File Descriptor for the socket but Ruby abstracts that so we don’t have to pass it around.
    • Choose address format: UNIX (tmp/something.sock) vs. INET (
    • Something
    • Stream sockets: bi-directional, uses TCP 3-way handshake (SYN-SYNACK-ACK). TCP protocol sends packets with an order flag; client assembles them in order.
    • Datagram sockets: uni-directional, uses UDP that doesn’t wait for acknowledgement of receipt. Client may or may not receive packets.
  2. Listen for requests
  3. Handle requests
  4. Reply to client
require 'socket'

def server
  socket = create_server_socket

def create_server_socket, :STREAM)
  # ???

The application


Parser extracts header, body, URL, etc. Ex. Ragel Parser


Implements #call which takes 1 arg, env, and returns [status, headers, body]


Blocking network calls in the normal response means that multiple clients are blocked. We can use UNIX forks to handle the blocking code and allow us to serve multiple concurrent requests.

Forking contains references to the same socket. If one doesn’t exit, the socket will be unavaible to processes longer. When you fork a process, the only memory copied to the new process is that which is unique to the process; otherwise it takes memory from parent process. This copy-on-write.

Pre-2.0 Ruby marked objects as different in child processes so their memory footprint would swell up to the size of parent processes.

Post-2.0 Ruby does not do this, allowing C.O.W. processes to remain small.


Threads share process resources (like memory); they use less memory and die when the process dies, so no zombie processes. Faster to communicate as you don’t have to go through a UNIX socket.

Downsides: non-atomic operations are not thread-safe.


def buy_toy
  if @available_cat_toys > 0 # CPU executes this, then hops over to another thread (see below)

def buy_toy
  if @available_cat_toys > 0 # These 3 lines
    buy_cat_toy              # are executed on
    @available_cat_toys -= 1 # a separate thread

By the time we get back to line 3, there are no more available toys (race condition)

You, the Developer

Throw and trap signals to control flow of application. You can shovel code into trapping an interrupt signal, for example, to exit gracefully.
